Data Analyst


Data Analyst

Data Analysts help companies use data to make decisions that drive towards business goals. Data Analysts might clean raw data sets to make the data more usable. Once the data is clean, Data Analysts might choose or build a data model to present the data visually, so it’s easier for others to understand and use to make decisions. Data Analytics is a growing field with a lot of demand at a variety of types of companies.

Ideal Candidate

  • You can easily understand your report card and understand where you need to apply your efforts in order to improve your grades.
  • You enjoy learning on your own; you’ve frequently found tutorials or videos to help yourself learn how to do something.
  • You’re obsessed with accuracy and take a lot of joy in never making a mistake.
  • If someone tells you something, you’re skeptical until they show you why it’s true.
  • You geek out over the “dataisbeautiful” subreddit.