Getting Started

Your path to success starts HERE!

Getting Started

Your path to success starts HERE!

Apprenticeship Is an Opportunity Multiplier

Figuring out what you’re going to do when you finish school can be overwhelming. But, through youth apprenticeship, you can see how combining education and career today can put you on multiple paths to success.

Whether you’re on your way to college, directly to a career, both, or simply aren’t sure, apprenticeship can help pave the way to a successful future. Check out the benefits below!


The Pathway to Combining Education & Career


Once school begins, apprentices spend part of their week learning at school and part of the week learning on the job. Employers can offer two- or three-year apprenticeships (two-year apprenticeships are only offered to rising seniors, so be certain to check your eligibility when reading job descriptions). Following the apprenticeship, some students will work full-time in their field, some will become full-time college students, and some will do both.

Do you want to apply for an apprenticeship?

Are you interested in applying for apprenticeship? First, you’ll need to create your profile. Click the button below to see when applications are open and to create your profile.

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