Should I go to work if my school temporarily closes?
You should have a conversation with your parent/guardian to determine if continuing to work is an option for you and reach out to your employer if you need to request temporary leave or make a request to work remotely.
Your employer generally expects you to be at work during your regularly scheduled time. Notify your supervisor if your school has closed for specific instructions about your work schedule.
What should I do if my employer asks me to work remotely?
In some instances, your employer may ask you to work remotely from home. You would likely need access to a computer, internet, and a phone. Ask your supervisor what is required and expected when working remotely, such as a daily report on what you worked on. Also, notify your school counselor of the changes in your work schedule/environment.
What if my employer wants me to work remotely and I do not have a computer, cell phone, or internet access at home or I am unable to work from home for other reasons?
First, ask your supervisor if they are able to loan you any materials or electronic devices you would need in order to work remotely. You can also ask your school if there is a space that can be made available for you to work.
Will I still get paid if my employer asks me to work remotely?
If you and your employer agree to have you work remotely, you should still be paid for your hours worked. Check with your supervisor and/or human resources department for more information such as recording and reporting your hours is required.
Should I notify anyone if I am working remotely or my business temporarily closes?
Yes, notify your school counselor and your Customer Success Manager.
Should I go to school if my business temporarily closes?
You should immediately contact your school counselor to determine if you are required to be at school during the time you would normally be at work.
Will I still get paid if my business temporarily closes?
Check with your supervisor and/or human resources department for more information.
What should I do if I am sick?
Notify your supervisor and they will be able to provide more information about their sick-leave policy.
What if I rely on my school’s free-or-reduced lunch program and they are closed?
Check with your school to find out their protocol for offering meals. School Food Authorities (SFAs) and other child nutrition program sponsors can serve free meals to students in the event of an unanticipated school closure, extreme weather event, natural disaster, or other similar situations.
What if I am taking community-college coursework as part of my training and the college closes or wants me to take my courses online?
Make sure you have access to a computer and internet. You can also ask your school if there is a space that can be made available for you to work. There are also resources in your community, such as libraries, that offer free use of computers and internet access. Check with your local library to find out if that is an option.