Manufacturing is facing a significant skills gap, with nearly 3.5 million jobs needing to be filled in the next decade, and 2 million of those positions potentially going unfilled due to a lack of trained individuals. Currently, only 29% of the manufacturing workforce are women, 10% are Black or African American, and 16.6% are Hispanic or Latino, highlighting the need for targeted recruitment.
CareerWise’s youth apprenticeships address this issue by pairing young talent with experienced workers, creating a strong, diverse pipeline of capable employees while improving mentor engagement.
Start bridging the skills gap today by partnering with us!
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Our Advanced Manufacturing Occupations
Advanced Manufacturing apprentices play an important role in the industry by utilizing cutting-edge technology to enhance products and streamline processes across various industries.
Current occupations include:
The Impact
Employers have a profound impact on the younger generation through apprenticeships, shaping the future workforce with hands-on training and real-world experience. By investing in apprenticeships, companies influence career paths, foster personal growth, and contribute to a stronger economy. Their guidance bridges the gap between education and employment, empowering the next generation to succeed and lead.
Apprentice Highlight | Kyle Watanabe, Manufacturing Technician